Презентация - "Газеты и журналы популярные у молодежи"
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Просмотреть и скачать презентацию на тему "Газеты и журналы популярные у молодежи"
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«First Soupe»
Студентка МПЭК им.Г.В.Плеханова Ловцова Дарья Святославовна, группа Б-23
Руководитель: Полянская Ирина Николаевна
Г.Москва, большой Трёхгорный переулок, д.11, стр.3
It is believed that new generations do not need paper editions, which is why the printed press is dying. Dina Toroeva, a Bachelor of Philology at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, refutes this - she published the paper magazine First Soupe. It is about sneakers and not only about street culture in general.
Initially, Dina ran her blog on the social network Instagram*, but in 2021 she released a paper version.
*organization banned on the territory of the Russian Federation
To the question "Why did you decide to create a paper version of the magazine?", Dina answers this way:
– While the news feed is an endless hodgepodge, the paper issue of a magazine can be done conceptually. I think it will be remembered more than scattered posts: for example, I defined the first issue of my First Soupe magazine as “Hip-hop. Mainstream. Sneakers".
Also, few social networks allow publishing voluminous materials. And those that are, do not seem convenient to me: for example, Telegram or VK. In a paper magazine, you can sign at least 500 pages, add pictures, make an interesting layout. They will tell me that the same thing can be done on the site, but again, people usually see the link to the site in the news feed and quickly forget. It is also important that the paper magazine is a material proof of the existence of the Russian-speaking sneaker culture.
Many people think that sneakers are exclusively an industry and consumption, but in fact, this area has its own history, its own myths and its own discussions. Another thing is that this culture is mainly material, and the history of any material culture is thought by some people as nonsense: how can one seriously discuss some kind of sneakers? Although the history of costumes has long been studied seriously. Or sports history. Or fashion history. Or the phenomenon of collecting. Sneakers - about all of the above. Dina describes her magazine First Soupe as "a magazine about street culture and sneakers" to cover more interesting topics, but sneakers still take center stage.
Dina's Instagram* blog, based on which the magazine was made, is read mainly by young men from 18 to 35 years old. However, in our time, more and more teenagers have become interested in fashion and sneakers, so First Soupe is also interesting for younger people.
*organization banned on the territory of the Russian Federation
Even though in the modern world the popularity of paper editions of magazines has fallen, the first issue of First Soupe was sold out. This year, Dina has already released the second issue of the magazine.