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3 слайдChoose the right variant
Tony was shocked. He couldn’t believe what
had just happened
just happened
4 слайдTone was angry because he (miss) the last train
had missed
5 слайдAlice (not/finish) her homework by bedtime
had not finished
6 слайдMake up a sentence with
At 5 o’clock yesterday
7 слайдMake up 4 sentences in 4 different past tenses
Make up 4 sentences in 4 different past tenses
8 слайдThey were giant one – eyed monsters, a wild race of lawless creatures who possess neither social manners nor fear of the Gods. Their names mean “round eye”
9 слайдIn Greek mythology it’s a fabulous monster of Crete that had the body of a man and the head of a bull. It lived in a labyrinth
10 слайдIt is a race of timid small humans that live in comfortable holes and enjoy food, drink and daily social activities. They are very adventurous, dangerous and glorious
11 слайдIt’s a mythological animal and the subject of many stories. They are people who turn into powerful wolves
12 слайдIt’s a creature from Greek mythology with the upper body of a human and the lower body and legs of a horse
18 слайдHow are these places connected?
Lahor, Pakistan
Deli, India
Beijing, China
Shanjan, China
19 слайдHow do we call species of animals who are in danger
20 слайдWhat ecological problem can be found in this cartoon?
21 слайдWhy is it difficult for whales to live under the water? What distracts them?
22 слайдName 5 things how to deal with soil pollution
23 слайдHow old was Queen Elizabeth II
24 слайдWho is the prime minister of the UK
Rishi Sunak
25 слайдWhat is the colour of the UK’s taxies?
27 слайдWho lived there: 221B Baker Street
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