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Describing creatures<br>Учитель английского языка  ГКОУ Новороссийского казачьего кадетского корпуса
1 слайд

Describing creatures
Учитель английского языка ГКОУ Новороссийского казачьего кадетского корпуса
Краснодарского края
Орешкина Светлана Александровна
Spotlight 9 3 a Reading

Ключевые слова: <br>mythical creatures – мифические существа, <br>report sightings – докладывать о с
2 слайд

Ключевые слова:
mythical creatures – мифические существа,
report sightings – докладывать о случае,
humped back – горбатая спина,
long tail длинный хвост,
snake-like head змееподобная голова,
survive– выжить
horrifying - ужасный,
Approach - приближаться,
giant tentacles - гигантские щупальца,
sharp hooks – острые крюки,

Across – в ширину, <br>violent  - сильный, мощный<br>whirlpool  - водоворот<br>hairy - волосатый, <b
3 слайд

Across – в ширину,
violent - сильный, мощный
whirlpool - водоворот
hairy - волосатый,
extinct ape – вымерший примат,
Unfortunately – к сожалению,
so far – так далеко,
catch a glimpse of – увидеть мельком,
Glance – бросить быстрый взгляд,
Glare – пристально смотреть,
Notice - замечать,
Spot - замечать,
Stare - уставиться

В английском языке есть разные глаголы, обозначающие разные способы посмотреть на предмет, увидеть е
4 слайд

В английском языке есть разные глаголы, обозначающие разные способы посмотреть на предмет, увидеть его.
Catch a glimpse of
Например: I think I’ve just caught a glimpse of a small hairy creature. Did you see anything?
Например: Kelly glanced quickly at her watch and then back at the water.
Например: The creature seemed to glare at me from the page of the book.
Например: Did you notice/spot anything unusual about him?

We’ve all heard well-known stories of ancient mythical creatures such as dragons, but to this day, p
5 слайд

We’ve all heard well-known stories of ancient mythical creatures such as dragons, but to this day, people all over the world continue to report sightings of various mysterious monsters.

You’ve all heard of the famous Loch Ness Monster in Scotland, with its humped back, long tail and sn
6 слайд

You’ve all heard of the famous Loch Ness Monster in Scotland, with its humped back, long tail and snake-like head. People have been reporting sightings of it since the 6th century. There have been even some photos taken of Nessie. Some people believe that Nessie is a dinosaur that somehow survived in Loch Ness.

People in Norway have the legend of the Kraken, a horrifying deep-sea monster that was a mile and a
7 слайд

People in Norway have the legend of the Kraken, a horrifying deep-sea monster that was a mile and a half across.
As ships approached, the Kraken would wrap its giant tentacles with sharp hooks around them or create a violent whirlpool to put them down to the bottom of the ocean.

Bigfoot, a strange-looking big hairy creature, has been a part of American folklore for years. Most
8 слайд

Bigfoot, a strange-looking big hairy creature, has been a part of American folklore for years. Most people describe it as a two-legged creature two to three metres tall with long arms and a short neck. Some scientists believe it could be a species of extinct ape, but unfortunately so far no one has found a Bigfoot body or skeleton.

Match the words and phrases to their meaning.<br>
9 слайд

Match the words and phrases to their meaning.

Complete the text with the words.<br>• monster • legend  • coast • horrifying • ancient • mysterious
10 слайд

Complete the text with the words.
• monster • legend • coast • horrifying • ancient • mysterious
In the Mediterranean Sea, in the south of the Greek1) __________, lies the island of Crete. According to the2) ____________, in 3) ______________times, a creature called Minotaur lived there. Half-man, half-bull, the Minotaur was truly 4) _____________. The King of Crete, Minos, kept the Minotaur in a maze which had many5) ___________, twisting passaged. Every nine years, the King of Athens sent fourteen children for this strange-looking
6) ______________to eat…

Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form.<br><br>1) Don’t __________ (stare) at the
11 слайд

Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form.

1) Don’t __________ (stare) at the strangers, Tommy! It’s impolite!
2) She ___________ (spot) a snake-like creature hiding in the grass.
3) I only ____________ (catch a glimpse) but I think it was a rabbit.
4) They ________________ (glare) at each other angrily while their friends were trying to calm them down.
5) He _______________ (glance) over his shoulder nervously.

Choose the right variant. <br>1) The sailor only caught a quick glimpse/glare of the beautiful merma
12 слайд

Choose the right variant.
1) The sailor only caught a quick glimpse/glare of the beautiful mermaid before she dived back in the sea.
2) The knight hid behind the rock and glanced/stared in wonder at the fire-breathing dragon.
3) The child said he had spotted/looked a strange creature in the sky.
4) The children approached/survived the village late at night.
5) Most scientists think dinosaurs couldn’t approach/survive in any place of our planet.

Match the words to form collocations.<br>• whirlpool • tentacles • head • sightings • hooks • back •
13 слайд

Match the words to form collocations.
• whirlpool • tentacles • head • sightings • hooks • back • creature
7 giant

Match the words and phrases to their meaning.<br>•  seen • stay alive • until now • come closer • wi
14 слайд

Match the words and phrases to their meaning.
• seen • stay alive • until now • come closer • wide • with great force • things that have been • tell people about
so far

Match the words with their opposites.<br>• weak • luckily • miniature • unknown • real <br>mythical
15 слайд

Match the words with their opposites.
• weak • luckily • miniature • unknown • real

Complete the sentences.<br>• violent whirlpool • sharp hooks • huge eye • snake-like head • sighting
16 слайд

Complete the sentences.
• violent whirlpool • sharp hooks • huge eye • snake-like head • sightings • mythical creature
1) The unicorn is a _____________in Greek mythology.
2) The Kraken creates a ______________when it dives back to the ocean.
3) There have been many _______________of a strange ape-like creature in the mountains of southern California.
4) The ____________ on the tentacles of the giant squid can cut deep scars into a fisherman’s skin.
5) People who have seen the Loch Ness Monster say it has a long neck and a__________.
6) In Greek mythology, a Cyclops was a giant with a ___________in the middle of his forehead.

Choose the correct word.<br>1) Old castles are very popular sights/sightings in Britain.<br>2) Two f
17 слайд

Choose the correct word.
1) Old castles are very popular sights/sightings in Britain.
2) Two fishermen reported sights/sightings of a strange ten-legged creature in the lake yesterday.
3) People thought it was a(n) extinct/mythical species of fish, until it was caught in 1938.
4) Annie loves books about dragons, giants and other extinct/mythical creatures.

Express the same in Russian.<br>glare <br>spot<br>stare <br>sharp hooks <br>mythical creature <br>sn
18 слайд

Express the same in Russian.
sharp hooks
mythical creature
snake-like head
7.report sightings

Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form.<br> <br>1) Why ______________ (you glare)
19 слайд

Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form.
1) Why ______________ (you glare) at Stewart so angrily?
2) When we ____________ (approach) the house we were totally exhausted.
3) Sometimes you can __________ (notice) the stars falling from the sky?
4) People ____________ (report) sightings of mythical creatures for years.
5) The plesiosaur is a dinosaur species that ______________ (survive) millions of years ago.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form.<br> <br>1) Why ______________ (you glare)
20 слайд

Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form.
1) Why ______________ (you glare) at Stewart so angrily?
2) When we ____________ (approach) the house we were totally exhausted.
3) Sometimes you can __________ (notice) the stars falling from the sky?
4) People ____________ (report) sightings of mythical creatures for years.
5) The plesiosaur is a dinosaur species that ______________ (survive) millions of years ago.

Choose the correct word.<br><br>1) Last night I dreamt that a violent/horrifying whirlpool was pulli
21 слайд

Choose the correct word.

1) Last night I dreamt that a violent/horrifying whirlpool was pulling me to the bottom of the ocean.
2) Andrew’s nightmare was absolutely violent/horrifying: a three-headed monster was following him!
3) Nessie has a long neck and a humped/hairy back.
4) Bigfoot is known as a two-legged creature with a humped/hairy body.

Express the same in Russian.<br>violent whirlpool <br>humped back <br>giant tentacles <br>glance <br
22 слайд

Express the same in Russian.
violent whirlpool
humped back
giant tentacles
catch a glimpse of
7. horrifying

Your homework will be:<br>Ex. 3,4 and learn new words.<br><br>The lesson is over. Thanks for your at
23 слайд

Your homework will be:
Ex. 3,4 and learn new words.

The lesson is over. Thanks for your attention.
Good bye!

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