Презентация - "Презентация на тему"Климат Аляски""

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- 07.06.24
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Alaska is the largest State on the territory of the United States, in the north-western edge of North America
The Alaskan climate. The weather. Clothes.
Summers are cool with lots of rain. The average temperature in July from 10 ° C to 18 ° C (sometimes 27 ° C ). Light wind blows in summer.
Winters are cold with lots of snow. The average winter temperature in January from -12 ° C to -5 ° C. Winds are strong.
Caribou in Alaska are found in tundra and mountains.
Name these Сlothes
Name these Сlothes
Visit to Alaska
1. Alaska is in the….. of the USA.
2. Temperatures in spring vary from ……. to… C.
3. It often rains (snows)….
4. It’s warm (cool, cold) and sunny (windy).
5. If you want to visit Alaska in spring
you should take ……..
Урок английского языка в 5 классе
по теме:
«Климат Аляски»
Джеппарова Б.Б,
учитель МБОУ « Нижнегорская школа-гимназия»