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The War of Independence<br>(1775-1783)<br>Reasons, development and consequences.<br>
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The War of Independence
Reasons, development and consequences.

 The American Revolutionary War <br><br><br>(1775–1783) or American War of Independence began as a w
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The American Revolutionary War

(1775–1783) or American War of Independence began as a war between the Kingdom of Great Britain and thirteen British colonies in North America, and concluded in a global war between several European great powers.

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The Stamp Act (1765)- was a direct tax imposed by the British Parliament specifically on the colonie
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The Stamp Act (1765)- was a direct tax imposed by the British Parliament specifically on the colonies of British America
The Quartering act(1765)- is used in the American colonies to ensure that British soldiers had adequate housing and provisions.
The Sugar act(1764)-placed a tax on molasses
The Tea act (1773)-taxes on tea led directly to a colonial actions known as the Boston Tea Party.

Causes of the War

Seven Years' War<br>(1756–1763)<br>
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Seven Years' War

Quartering Act (1765)<br>
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Quartering Act (1765)

The Stamp Act (1765)<br>
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The Stamp Act (1765)

«No taxation without representation»<br><br>
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«No taxation without representation»

Boston Tea Party (December 16, 1773)<br>
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Boston Tea Party (December 16, 1773)

First Continental Congress<br>(5, September – 26, October, 1774)<br>
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First Continental Congress
(5, September – 26, October, 1774)

The Battles of Lexington and Concord<br>(April 19, 1775)<br> Minutemen and redcoats clash at Lexingt
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The Battles of Lexington and Concord
(April 19, 1775)
 Minutemen and redcoats clash at Lexington and Concord "The shot heard 'round the world."

The Second Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia<br>(May 1775)<br>George Washington named Comma
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The Second Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia
(May 1775)
George Washington named Commander in Chief

Declaration of Independence adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776<br>
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Declaration of Independence adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776

The declaration of independence<br>The act of the American colonies was the most important political
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The declaration of independence
The act of the American colonies was the most important political event of the day
A special committee was set up to work out the Declaration.
Thomas Jefferson is considered to be the author of the Decloration
It was adopted by the Continental congress in Philadelphia on July,4,1776
This date is the greatest American national holiday.

The Battle of Saratoga <br>(October, 1777)<br>Surrender of Burgoyne<br>
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The Battle of Saratoga 
(October, 1777)
Surrender of Burgoyne

Washington winters at Valley Forge<br>(December 19, 1777–June 19, 1778)<br><br>
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Washington winters at Valley Forge
(December 19, 1777–June 19, 1778)

Siege of Yorktown<br>(September–October 1781)<br><br> Surrender of Lord Cornwallis<br>
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Siege of Yorktown
(September–October 1781)

 Surrender of Lord Cornwallis

Peace Treaty of Paris (1783)<br>
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Peace Treaty of Paris (1783)

Results of the war<br> The colonies became independent<br>In 1789, the national government of the Un
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Results of the war
The colonies became independent
In 1789, the national government of the United States of America adopted a Republican Constitution
The American Revolution inspired men and women of other nations who wanted to be free from oppression.
State interference in the country’s economy was minimized.

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