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Презентация по английскому языку для СПО "Materials Types" 📚 Учебники, Презентации и Подготовка к Экзаменам для Школьников на Klass-Uchebnik.com


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Materials Types<br>Подготовила преподаватель<br> ГБПОУ РО «ШПТК» <br>Целикова Л.А.<br>
1 слайд

Materials Types
Подготовила преподаватель
Целикова Л.А.

2 слайд


              METALS<br>ferrous<br>non-ferrous<br>contain iron<br>do not contain iron<br>
3 слайд

contain iron
do not contain iron

With the regard to the    chemical composition <br>ELEMENTS<br>COMPOUNDS<br>MIXTURES<br>pure materia
4 слайд

With the regard to the chemical composition
pure materials
chemically bound
Two or more elements or compounds mixed together

COMPOSITE MATERIALS<br>matrix with a reinforcing material inside<br>concrete<br>
5 слайд

matrix with a reinforcing material inside

Scan the text and find 2 elements, 2 compounds, an alloy and a composite:<br><br><br>Generally, the
6 слайд

Scan the text and find 2 elements, 2 compounds, an alloy and a composite:

Generally, the steel used in reinforced concrete will have previously been exposed to water and to oxygen in the air. As a result, it will usually be partly corroded, being covered with a layer of iron oxide (rust). However, once the steel is inside the hardened concrete, it will be protected from air and water, which prevents further rusting. Additionally, the cement in concrete does not react aggressively with iron in the steel.

7 слайд


               1 What are these objects made of? Match the words in the box with the pictures<br><br
8 слайд

1 What are these objects made of? Match the words in the box with the pictures

Match the words with their definitions<br><br>1 alloy<br>2 steel<br>3 PVC<br>4 concrete<br>5 gold<br
9 слайд

Match the words with their definitions

1 alloy
2 steel
4 concrete
5 gold
6 ferrous materials
7 ceramic
8 iron

a a type of plastic used for insulation
b a combination of different metals
c an alloy formed by mixing iron and carbon
d a precious metal used in jewellery
e metals containing iron
f a composite material used to build houses
g a metal not suitable as structural material
h a good insulator but brittle

1 alloy<br>2 steel<br>3 PVC<br>4 concrete<br>5 gold<br>6 ferrous materials<br>7 ceramic<br>8 iron<br
10 слайд

1 alloy
2 steel
4 concrete
5 gold
6 ferrous materials
7 ceramic
8 iron

a a combination of different metals
b an alloy formed by mixing iron and carbon
c a type of plastic used for insulation
d a composite material used to build houses
e a precious metal used in jewellery
f metals containing iron
g a good insulator but brittle
h a metal not suitable as structural material
h a good insulator but brittle


POLYMERS<br>materials made of long strings of carbon and other elements. <br> <br>natural <br>synthe
11 слайд

materials made of long strings of carbon and other elements.

can be melted by heat,
and formed in moulds
set permanently,
cannot be
moulded again

Give a name to the following definitions <br>1 a shorter name for polyvinylchloride<br>2 used for fo
12 слайд

Give a name to the following definitions
1 a shorter name for polyvinylchloride
2 used for forming melted plastic
3 a group of atoms
4 a long chain of atoms
5 a plastic that sets permanently
6 not natural
7 particles that form molecules
8 another word for not natural

CHECK YOUR ANSWERS:<br>1 PVC<br>2 mould<br>3 molecule<br>4 polymer<br>5 thermoset<br>6 synthetic<br>
13 слайд

2 mould
3 molecule
4 polymer
5 thermoset
6 synthetic
7 atoms
8 manmade

 Common non-ferrous engineering metals<br>Read the text about non-ferrous metals – that is, metals t
14 слайд

Common non-ferrous engineering metals
Read the text about non-ferrous metals – that is, metals that do not contain iron.
Aluminium is widely used, often in alloy forms. An example of duralumin, an alloy used in aircraft manufacturing, which also contains copper (4.4%) and magnesium (1.5%). Aluminium can also be alloyed with titanium to produce very strong, lightweight metals.
Copper is an excellent conductor, which makes it ideal for use in electricity wires. Good ductility also makes it suitable for pipes. Copper is widely used in alloys, notably brass (copper and zink) and bronze (copper and tin, sometimes lead)
Silver is a precious metal – a reference to its high cost. It is better electrical conductor than any other material, so it is often used for electronic connections. Another precious metal – gold – is also an excellent conductor, and is highly corrosion- resistant.

Match the two halves<br><br>1 titanium<br>2 brass<br>3 copper<br>4 tin<br>5 lead<br><br>A о́лово<br>
15 слайд

Match the two halves

1 titanium
2 brass
3 copper
4 tin
5 lead

A о́лово
B медь
C тита́н
D свине́ц;
E лату́нь

1 titanium<br>2 brass<br>3 copper<br>4 tin<br>5 lead<br><br>A о́лово<br>B медь<br>C тита́н<br>D свин
16 слайд

1 titanium
2 brass
3 copper
4 tin
5 lead

A о́лово
B медь
C тита́н
D свине́ц;
E лату́нь


<br>. <br><br><br>Metal elements_________________________<br>Alloys_________________________________
17 слайд


Metal elements_________________________
Precious metals _________________________
Complete the word groups below using the names of the metals

CHECK YOUR ANSWERS<br>Metal elements: aluminium, silver, magnesium, titanium, copper, tin, zink, gol
18 слайд

Metal elements: aluminium, silver, magnesium, titanium, copper, tin, zink, gold, lead
Precious metals: silver, gold
:brass, bronze, duralumin

Present Simple Passive<br>            is/am/are + V3 <br>                Modals       can be + V3 <b
19 слайд

Present Simple Passive
is/am/are + V3
Modals can be + V3

Make sentences passive<br>They also call thermosetting plastics thermosets.<br>You can heat and moul
20 слайд

Make sentences passive
They also call thermosetting plastics thermosets.
You can heat and mould a thermoplastic numerous times.
You cannot heat and mould thermosets again.
If you heat a thermoset after curing (отверждения), it will burn.

Thermosetting plastics are also called thermosets.<br>A thermoplastic can be heated and moulded nume
21 слайд

Thermosetting plastics are also called thermosets.
A thermoplastic can be heated and moulded numerous times.
Thermosets cannot be heated and moulded again.
If a thermoset is heated after curing, it will burn.

 Complete the following diagram.<br>
22 слайд

Complete the following diagram.

Используемая литература <br>Mark Ibbotson  “Professional English in Use  Engineering”,<br>    Techni
23 слайд

Используемая литература
Mark Ibbotson “Professional English in Use Engineering”,
Technical English for Professionals, Cambridge University Press
Sabrina Sopranzi “Flash on English for Mechanics, Electronics and Technical Assistance”, ESP series www.elionline.com

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