Презентация - "Презентация по английскому языку "Традиции Британии""
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- 16.09.23
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Презентация на тему:
“Traditions and customs of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”
Customs &Traditions are the cultural heritage of every country. They are the basis of people’s life.
The English (the British)
The English are proud of their difference from other nations. They keep their traditions: playing cricket, left side traffic, miles, etc.
To add warm milk into tea is very important in the British tea culture. They usually offer 10 sorts of tea for guests!
Engagement precedes wedding. The groom comes the bride with his friends & asks her parents to sell him his wife.
Changing of the Guard is one of the most amusing traditions. You can see it near royal palaces.
Guy Fox Night – the night of fires on the fifth of November in memory of the failure of the conspiracy. (провал заговора)