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Презентация по английскому языку "Грамматическая викторина" 📚 Учебники, Презентации и Подготовка к Экзаменам для Школьников на Klass-Uchebnik.com


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Choose the subject<br>Grammar       1     2   3  4 5    6     7   <br>Vocabulary     1      2     3
1 слайд

Choose the subject
Grammar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Vocabulary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Culture 1 2 6 7
History 1 2 3 4 5 7
Science 1 2 4 5 6

Grammar 1<br>My friend Tom is the ________ pupil in our class<br>1) good<br>2) better<br>3) best<br>
2 слайд

Grammar 1
My friend Tom is the ________ pupil in our class
1) good
2) better
3) best
4) more good
В начало

Grammar 2 <br>We usually _________ lunch at 12 o’clock.<br>1) have<br>2) are having<br>3) has<br>4)
3 слайд

Grammar 2
We usually _________ lunch at 12 o’clock.
1) have
2) are having
3) has
4) have been having
В начало

Peter  ______________ since 5 o’clock.<br>Grammar 3<br>1) is working<br>2) worked<br>3) have worked<
4 слайд

Peter ______________ since 5 o’clock.
Grammar 3
1) is working
2) worked
3) have worked
4) have been working
В начало

Grammar 4<br>A new school ___________ in our town now.<br>3) is building<br>2) is built<br>1) is bei
5 слайд

Grammar 4
A new school ___________ in our town now.
3) is building
2) is built
1) is being built
4) builds
В начало

Grammar 5<br>Yesterday at 6 o’clock I _______________ a book.<br>В начало <br>1) read<br>2) was read
6 слайд

Grammar 5
Yesterday at 6 o’clock I _______________ a book.
В начало
1) read
2) was reading
3) have read
4) have been read

Grammar 6<br>Look!  My brother _____________ to ride a bike!<br><br>1) learns<br>2) is learning<br>3
7 слайд

Grammar 6
Look! My brother _____________ to ride a bike!

1) learns
2) is learning
3) has been learning
4) learnt
В начало

Grammar 7<br>We … our flat every Saturday.<br><br>    3) are cleaning <br>1) have cleaned <br>2) wer
8 слайд

Grammar 7
We … our flat every Saturday.

3) are cleaning
1) have cleaned
2) were cleaning
4) clean

В начало

Vocabulary 1<br>When my parents are away, I look ________ my little sister.<br>В начало<br>1) for<br
9 слайд

Vocabulary 1
When my parents are away, I look ________ my little sister.
В начало
1) for
2) after
3) through
4) at

I think you should give ___ smoking.<br><br>Vocabulary 2<br>1) out<br>2) up<br>3) in<br>4) to<br>В н
10 слайд

I think you should give ___ smoking.

Vocabulary 2
1) out
2) up
3) in
4) to
В начало

I’m still hungry. Give me _______ sandwich, please<br>В начало<br>Vocabulary 3<br>1) other<br>2) ano
11 слайд

I’m still hungry. Give me _______ sandwich, please
В начало
Vocabulary 3
1) other
2) another
3) the other
4) others

Finish the proverb:<br>“ _______ a day keeps the doctor away.”<br>В начало<br>Vocabulary 4<br>1) an
12 слайд

Finish the proverb:
“ _______ a day keeps the doctor away.”
В начало
Vocabulary 4
1) an apple
2) a carrot
3) a cucumber
4) an orange

She gave me her address an I gave her ______ <br>В начало<br>Vocabulary 5<br>1) our<br>2) mine<br>3)
13 слайд

She gave me her address an I gave her ______
В начало
Vocabulary 5
1) our
2) mine
3) my
4) me

My friend Alex has a talent ______ music.<br>В начало<br>Vocabulary 6<br>1) to<br>2) with<br>3) abou
14 слайд

My friend Alex has a talent ______ music.
В начало
Vocabulary 6
1) to
2) with
3) about
4) for

Max is crazy  _______ football.<br>Vocabulary 7<br>2) about<br>1) on<br>3) with<br>4) to<br>В начало
15 слайд

Max is crazy _______ football.
Vocabulary 7
2) about
1) on
3) with
4) to
В начало

Culture 1<br>This church was built in London after The Great Fire. It’s architect was sir Christophe
16 слайд

Culture 1
This church was built in London after The Great Fire. It’s architect was sir Christopher Wren
В начало
1) Westminster Abbey
2) Saint Paul’s Cathedral
3) Saint Peter’s Cathedral
4) Saint George Cathedral

In the Trafalgar Square we can see the monument to ____________. <br>В начало<br>Culture 2<br>1) adm
17 слайд

In the Trafalgar Square we can see the monument to ____________.
В начало
Culture 2
1) admiral Nelson
2) captain Cook
3) captain Scott
4) prince Albert

This is a portrait of __________ , a great writer , the author of “Ivanhoe”, “Rob Roy” and a lot of
18 слайд

This is a portrait of __________ , a great writer , the author of “Ivanhoe”, “Rob Roy” and a lot of other famous novels.
В начало
Culture 4
1) Sir Walter Scott
2) Charles Dickens
3) George Byron
4) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The famous London double-deckers are _____.<br>В начало<br>Culture 6 <br>1)  black<br>2) green<br>3)
19 слайд

The famous London double-deckers are _____.
В начало
Culture 6
1) black
2) green
3) red
4) blue

Traditionally in Scotland on the 1st day of a New Year the first guest should be a _________.<br><br
20 слайд

Traditionally in Scotland on the 1st day of a New Year the first guest should be a _________.

В начало
Culture 7
1) fair-haired male
2) fair-haired female
3) dark-haired male
4) dark-haired female

History 1<br>The battle at Hastings  was in _______. <br>1) 1211<br>2) 1380<br>3) 1054<br>4) 1066<br
21 слайд

History 1
The battle at Hastings was in _______.
1) 1211
2) 1380
3) 1054
4) 1066
В начало

This English king, who reigned in the 16 century, had 6 wives.<br>History 2<br>1) Henry IV<br>2) Hen
22 слайд

This English king, who reigned in the 16 century, had 6 wives.
History 2
1) Henry IV
2) Henry VIII
3) Richard III
4) Richard Lion Hearted
В начало

English and British kings and queens have been crowned there since 11 century.<br>В начало<br>Histor
23 слайд

English and British kings and queens have been crowned there since 11 century.
В начало
History 3
1) Saint Paul’s Cathedral
2) Westminster Abbey
3) Canterbury Church
4) Windsor Castle

During the reign of this queen the Spanish Armada was defeated<br>В начало<br>History 4<br>1) Anne<b
24 слайд

During the reign of this queen the Spanish Armada was defeated
В начало
History 4
1) Anne
2) Elisabeth I Tudor
3) Mary Tudor

In the Battle of Trafalgar the ______ fleet was defeated.<br>В начало<br>History 5<br>1) British<br>
25 слайд

In the Battle of Trafalgar the ______ fleet was defeated.
В начало
History 5
1) British
2) German
3) Spanish
4) French

The prime minister of Great Britain during the Second World War  was ______ .<br><br>В начало<br>His
26 слайд

The prime minister of Great Britain during the Second World War was ______ .

В начало
History 7
1) John Major
2) Tony Blair
3) Winston Churchill
4) Franklin Roosewelt

Science 1<br>A great English physicist and mathematician. He formulated the binomial theorem, discov
27 слайд

Science 1
A great English physicist and mathematician. He formulated the binomial theorem, discovered the Law of Universal Gravitation.

В начало
1) Lord Kelvin
4) James Watt
3) Daniel Bernulli
2) Sir Isaac Newton

The experiment performed by this physicist showed that the atom is made up of smaller parts.<br><br>
28 слайд

The experiment performed by this physicist showed that the atom is made up of smaller parts.

В начало
Science 2
1) Lord Kelvin
2) Robert Boyle
3)Michael Milliken
4) Ernest Rutherford

This captain discovered Australia and new Zealand. Was killed on one of the Hawaiian Islands by nati
29 слайд

This captain discovered Australia and new Zealand. Was killed on one of the Hawaiian Islands by natives.
В начало
Science 4
1) Francis Drake
2) James Cook
3) Horatio Nelson
4) Arthur Wellington

This university is the oldest in Britain.<br><br>В начало <br>Science 5<br>1) Cambridge University<b
30 слайд

This university is the oldest in Britain.

В начало
Science 5
1) Cambridge University
2) Oxford University
3) London University
4) Edinburgh University

Sir Isaac Newton studied in this university.<br><br>В начало <br>Science 6<br>1) Cambridge Universit
31 слайд

Sir Isaac Newton studied in this university.

В начало
Science 6
1) Cambridge University
2) Oxford University
3) London University
4) Edinburgh University

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