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Do you have an example <br>to follow?<br>
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Do you have an example
to follow?

Checking your homework.<br>AB p.94-95 ex.1<br>1) Peter and Ellen were the only to get prizes. Other
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Checking your homework.
AB p.94-95 ex.1
1) Peter and Ellen were the only to get prizes. Other classmates didn’t get any prizes.
2) In her class Helen is the only to play the piano. No one else plays any musical instrument.
3) Melody was the first to finish the test. Others finished the test at the end of the lesson.
4) Phil was the last to come to the finish in the running competitions. He was very upset!
5) Roy won the swimming competition. Sam was the second to swim to the finish and he was happy to have the silver medal.
6) Lisa was the first to clean her room. Her brother and sister finished cleaning only in the evening.

<br>Grammar for revision<br>Придаточные определительные предложения <br><br>      <br>      Когда мы
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Grammar for revision
Придаточные определительные предложения

Когда мы описываем то, что связано с человеком, предметом, мы используем придаточное определительное предложение с союзным словом.
Если придаточное предложение относится к одушевлённому предмету, то оно присоединяется к главному предложению с помощью союзных слов who (который), whose (чей).
Если придаточное предложение относится к неодушевленному предмету, то оно присоединяется к главному предложению с помощью союзных слов which (который), whose (чей).
The people who live in the village get up early.
The film which I saw yesterday was interesting.
I like people whose ideas can change the world for the better.

<br>Fill in the gaps. <br>Use who, which, whose<br> <br><br><br><br>Most of the people ... come to t
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Fill in the gaps.
Use who, which, whose

Most of the people ... come to this theatre are from England.
My brother ... picture you have seen in the room is a very nice guy.
His father … was very rich sent him to Eton.
I don't read books ... have a happy ending.

Amelia Earhart <br>She was the first American pilot whose…<br>ambition was to fly around the world<b
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Amelia Earhart
She was the first American pilot whose…
ambition was to fly around the world

Stieven Spielberg <br>He is an American film maker whose…<br>films are exciting to watch.<br><br>
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Stieven Spielberg
He is an American film maker whose…
films are exciting to watch.

Mary Shelley <br>She is a British writer whose…<br>novel Frankenstein is known all over the world.<b
7 слайд

Mary Shelley
She is a British writer whose…
novel Frankenstein is known all over the world.

Kate Winslet<br>She is a British actress whose…<br>role in Titanic made her popular.<br><br>
8 слайд

Kate Winslet
She is a British actress whose…
role in Titanic made her popular.

Charles Darwin <br>He was famous scientist whose…<br>works changed the life sciences.<br><br>
9 слайд

Charles Darwin
He was famous scientist whose…
works changed the life sciences.

Paul McCartney <br>He is a popular singer and musician whose…<br>songs are loved very much.<br><br>
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Paul McCartney
He is a popular singer and musician whose…
songs are loved very much.

Charles Dickens<br>He is a great British writer whose…<br>books are read all over the world.<br><br>
11 слайд

Charles Dickens
He is a great British writer whose…
books are read all over the world.

The Wright brothers<br>They were famous American inventors whose…<br>                          plane
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The Wright brothers
They were famous American inventors whose…
plane was the first one to fly.

SB p.132 ex.3. <br>What can you tell your foreign friend about famous Russian people?<br>1) My hero
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SB p.132 ex.3.
What can you tell your foreign friend about famous Russian people?
1) My hero is Pavel Nakhimov (1802—1855). He was a Russian admiral who won many sea battles.
2) I admire Nikolai Pirogov (1810—1881). He was a famous doctor who saved many people after many battles.
3) I like listening to the old songs of the Time Machine (Mashyna Vremeni). It is a popular Russian rock group whose music attracts many people and whose songs are nice to listen to.
4) I admire the works of Vladimir Vysotsky (1938—1980). He was a poet who wrote many popular songs. And he was an actor whose roles in theatre performances and films made him famous.
5) I admire the pictures by Vassily Surikov (1848—1916). He is a well-known Russian painter whose pictures show the life in old Russia.
6) I like the plays of Alexander Ostrovsky (1823—1886). He was a popular dramatist who wrote many wonderful plays.
7) Dmitry Mendeleev (1834—1907) was a great Russian scientist whose Periodic Table was a revolution in chemistry.

S.B., p132, ex., 1, part 3.<br>1) g) Amelia Earhart was an American pilot whose ambition  was to fly
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S.B., p132, ex., 1, part 3.
1) g) Amelia Earhart was an American pilot whose ambition was to fly around the world.
2) f) Steven Spielberg is an American film maker whose films are exciting to watch.
3) e) Mary Shelley is a British writer whose novel Frankenstein is known all over the world.
4) b) Kate Winslet is a British actress whose role in Titanic made her popular.
5) d) Charles Darwin was a famous scientist whose works changed the life sciences.
6) a) Paul McCartney is a popular singer and musician whose songs are loved very much.
7) h) Charles Dickens is a great British writer whose books are read all over the world.
8) c) The Wright brothers were famous American inventors whose plane was the first one to fly.

A.B., pp.97-98, ex. 1.<br>1) A good doctor is  someone who treats sick people well. A good doctor is
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A.B., pp.97-98, ex. 1.
1) A good doctor is someone who treats sick people well. A good doctor is someone whose atients feel good.
2) A good writer is someone who writes interesting books. A good writer is someone whose books are sold in many countries.
3) A good singer is someone who chooses wonderful songs. A good singer is someone whose songs are liked and sung everywhere.
4) A good engineer is someone who invents new machines. A good engineer is someone whose machines work well.
5) A good sportsman is someone who wins championships. A good sportsman is someone whose results are always high.
6) A good architect is someone who creates beautiful buildings. A good architect is someone whose buildings are often interesting for tourists.
7) A good actor is someone who can play different roles. A good actor is someone whose roles are wonderful

Resources <br>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:1000_Vladimir_2.jpg<br>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
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