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Are you worried that how you speak or write is holding you back at work? Do you fear you're making frequent conversational errors, but just aren't sure what's correct? Ever stumble when choosing between "who" and "whom," "affect" and "effect," "lay" and "lie"?If so, then When Bad Grammar Happens to Good People should be at the top of your reading list. This comprehensive, easy-to-use reference is a program designed to help you identify and correct the most common errors in written and spoken English. After a short and simple review of some basic principles, this book is organized in the most useful way possible-by error type, such as "Problem Pronouns" or "Mixing up Words that Sound the Same." You choose how to work your way through, either sequentially or in the order most relevant to you. Each unit contains tests at the end to help you reinforce what you've learned.

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